Makeup Guide

This guide includes everything you need to know about makeup, from prepping skin and makeup styles to addressing specific skin conditions with makeup. Learn about all the steps before you make a purchase. 

Here's what's included in this guide:

Makeup Tools

Learn everything you need to know about caring for you skin and creating a great skincare routine with the best products.  

Makeup for Lips

Once you’ve got a great skincare routine down for your lips, let the fun begin! Here are all our favorite beauty products and tricks for great lips. 

Makeup for Specific Skin Conditions

Makeup will look its best when you have healthy skin.

Whether you have a chronic skin condition or you are dealing with a temporary skin issue, these makeup tips will help you feel your best when your skin isn’t cooperating.

Makeup Removal

At the end of the day, you should remove your makeup for starting your skincare routine. Learn all the tips and best makeup removal products to make it easy. 

Professional Makeup + Schools

Learn all about the best makeup schools, tools, and tricks to become a professional makeup artist or do your makeup like one.