Does Rosacea Go Away On Its Own?

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DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult with your doctor if you have any medical concerns.

While some people are after rosy cheeks, for rosacea sufferers, facial redness can be a problem. Rosacea is a long-term condition that can affect your confidence and it can also lead to discomfort if not treated. If you suffer from rosacea, you know that it can be very irritating to the skin and it can feel warm and tender.

As much as you’d want for rosacea to go away on its own, that is not possible. Rosacea does not have a cure and it will not go away on its own. However, rosacea treatments are available to help manage your symptoms.

In this article, we will talk about what rosacea is, its symptoms, and possible treatments to help treat rosacea. We will also be talking about some of the factors that can trigger rosacea so you can avoid them.

What Is Rosacea?

What Is Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes facial redness, irritation, and skin sensitivity. This inflammatory condition also causes blushing and visible blood vessels on your face making your skin look flushed. Rosacea mostly affects the cheeks, nose, eyes, and forehead. This often leads to discomfort and low self-confidence for rosacea sufferers. Rosacea commonly affects people with light skin but people with dark or brown skin can also get rosacea.

Rosacea is a long-term condition. But, does rosacea go away on its own?

Unfortunately, rosacea does not go away on its own. It is an incurable disease but, the good news is that treating rosacea is possible. There are 4 different types of rosacea. Knowing the type of rosacea you have can help manage your symptoms and keep them from flaring up.

Types Of Rosacea And Their Symptoms

Types Of Rosacea And Their Symptoms

As we said earlier, rosacea has four types and you can experience more than one type of rosacea at the same time.

Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea (ETR) causes the most common symptom of rosacea which is facial redness and blushing. If you have ETR, you may find persistent redness in your cheeks, nose, and forehead. You may also experience redness on your chin, neck, or scalp. If not properly managed, ETR can cause flare-ups to happen more often. You may also experience swelling, irritation, or warmth in the affected area.

Papulopustular Rosacea, more commonly referred to as acne rosacea, causes bumps and blemishes to appear on your face. This type of rosacea looks like acne and is also mistaken for acne however, rosacea don’t typically leave acne scars. Aside from facial redness, pus-filled bumps and spider veins or small blood vessels are symptoms of acne rosacea. The affected area can also sting, burn, and become dry.

Phymatous Rosacea causes thickening of the skin and this condition mostly affects the nose. An enlarged nose is common with this condition due to the thickening of the skin. You can also experience facial redness and visible blood vessels on the nose. Phymatous rosacea mostly affects men more than women. Although uncommon, this condition is considered the most severe type of rosacea.

Ocular Rosacea primarily affects the eyes. This type of rosacea can cause irritation, redness, and inflammation in the eyes, eyelids, and the skin around your eyes. You can also experience swelling or styes on your eyelids.

What Causes Rosacea?

What Causes Rosacea

The exact cause of rosacea is still unknown. However, there are several factors that may cause and can trigger rosacea. According to this study, rosacea can be hereditary or can be caused by environmental factors. It can also be caused by an overactive immune system.

Several triggers were compiled from rosacea patients and according to the National Rosacea Society, some of the common triggers are:

– Certain foods (chocolate, liver, sour cream, broad-leaf beans, eggplants, avocados, etc.)

– Alcoholic beverages (red wine, beer, champagne, etc.

– Skincare or cosmetic products containing alcohol, witch hazel, or fragrances

– Stress

– Anxiety

– Hot and cold weather

– Sun exposure

– Exercise

– Medications that dilate blood vessels

Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea Treatment

As we said earlier, rosacea does not go away on its own. However, there are treatments available to help manage rosacea symptoms.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as topical creams or gels can be effective in treating rosacea. When getting topical medication for rosacea, look for products that have rosacea-friendly ingredients. These are niacinamide, aloe vera, or azelaic acid.

Natural remedies for rosacea such as manuka honey, lavender essential oil, coconut oil, or tea tree oil can also help soothe your skin and reduce facial redness.

If you have a severe case of rosacea, getting medical treatment may be the best option for you. Consulting your doctor is the best way to know which treatment is best for your skin. Your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics or recommend that you undergo treatments such as pulsed light therapy, chemical peels, or laser treatments.

Wrap Up

Rosacea does not go away on its own but there are several treatment options to treat rosacea. If you have rosacea, prevent rosacea flare-ups by avoiding things that can trigger rosacea.

It is also best to consult a board-certified dermatologist so they can assess your skin problems. This way, your doctor can prescribe you the proper treatment for rosacea. If not treated properly, rosacea can worsen and can even become permanent.

We hope this article helped you understand rosacea better. If you have any other questions, let us know via the contact form on our website and we’ll get back to you!

Michelle Jackson
Michelle Jackson