What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

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Everyone wants youthful, plump, and supple skin. Though aging is a natural part of life, not everyone wants to look like it. One major sign of aging is forehead wrinkles and thus, many wonder exactly what causes forehead wrinkles.

A variety of factors can cause forehead wrinkles but leading causes include collagen and elastin loss, thinning and dry skin, and too much sun and free radical exposure. Some other causes include repetitive facial movements, smoking and excess alcohol consumption, stress, and genetics.

It goes without saying that fine lines and deep forehead wrinkles are due to more than these factors and would vary from person to person. Just because you have or deal with any of these factors doesn’t mean you’re a sure shot for forehead wrinkles.

Below, we’ll go into detail on each of these causes. We’ll also go over ways you can prevent and treat forehead wrinkles if you choose to do so.

What are Forehead Wrinkles?

As we grow older, our skin tends to show it. They’re natural and part of the aging process.

One common sign of aging is forehead wrinkles.

Forehead wrinkles are fine lines that appear across the forehead. These become more pronounced when we’re laughing, frowning, expressing ourselves, or raising our eyebrows.

Many people worry when these lines start showing and take it as a sign of aging. These begin to appear as we grow older but can often be a sign of premature aging for young folks who have expressive facial expressions.

What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

For people who either want to tackle the issue head-on or prevent it at all costs, knowing what causes forehead wrinkles might just be the key.

  1. Loss of collagen and elastin

As people get older, the skin tends to lose collagen and elastin. The skin is also most likely producing far less of them than what we need.

Both collagen and elastin are important for skin strength, elasticity, structure, and support. These give skin a bounce and a youthful appearance.

As the skin becomes less elastic, it also loses structure. This causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear deeply into the skin’s layers. These can also leave a permanent mark on the skin.

  1. Thinning skin

With age comes thinning skin that’s much less supple than in our youthful years. Youthful skin boasts fatty layers. But as people age, the skin goes thinner as well. That means older people have less suppleness and bounce in their skin.

Thinner skin can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging to have a more obvious appearance. And instead of the skin working to go back to its natural state, these lines can leave a permanent and obvious mark.

  1. Dry skin

Aging can naturally cause the skin to produce less natural oils and moisture. This results in the skin becoming very dry.

Natural oils and sebum give the skin a supple, plump, and moist appearance, which gives you a more youthful look. In dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles look more obvious. This can also make the skin look older than it actually is.

  1. Excessive sun exposure

Spending unnecessary time in the sun, especially without proper sun protection, exposes your skin to large amounts of UV radiation.

Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature skin aging. Prolonged exposure to the sun causes the development of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you an older look.

UV radiation also damages the skin’s collagen and elastin and its production of said fibers. And as we’ve gone over above, both collagen and elastin are responsible for giving the skin support, structure, and elasticity.

It can also lead to other signs of aging like age and brown spots and hyperpigmentation. On top of that, excessive sun exposure for long periods can be a major cause of skin cancer.

  1. Free radicals

Pollution in the air and free radicals can stick to the skin and attack skin cells while leaving behind dead skin cells. This can lead to disrupted balance which can then cause breakouts and other skin issues. Free radicals can also break down collagen, which youthful skin needs.

  1. Excessive facial movements

The repetitive use of facial muscles is one of the leading causes of forehead wrinkles, especially for very expressive individuals.

Raising your eyebrows, squinting your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows, frowning, laughing, and smiling all use facial muscles. This means the skin constantly folds and may leave marks.

Repetitive movements on the frontalis muscles are the most common facial movement causing forehead wrinkles. Learn how to relax facial muscles.

  1. Smoking

People who smoke are prone to premature aging. It damages collagen skin cells. It can also constrict blood vessels, which slows down the skin’s regenerative and healing process.

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption can be linked to dry and aging skin. The toxins in alcoholic beverages can also constrict the skin’s blood vessels.

  1. Stress

Stress releases the hormone called cortisol. This stress hormone can cause decreased collagen production. And when you’re stressed, your face tends to frown, using your facial muscles excessively, which we established above is a major cause of forehead wrinkles.

  1. Genetics

Like with other physical features, genetics play a huge role in developing forehead wrinkles.

Some people are born with thin or dry skin, which makes them vulnerable to various signs of aging. For some, early onset of wrinkles and fine lines may run in the family.

Are Forehead Wrinkles Treatable?

Yes – forehead wrinkles are, in a way, treatable.

While you cannot fully reverse the signs of aging on the skin i.e. erase them, treating forehead wrinkles can reduce their appearance so they’re less obvious.

How to Treat Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging are nothing to be ashamed of. But some may want to treat them.

  1. Up your skincare game

Add retinol into your skincare routine. It stimulates collagen production and slows down the development of wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is also a sought-after ingredient as it gives the skin a plump, supple, and youthful look. Up your moisturizing game, as well, to target skin dryness.

  1. Avoid excess sun exposure

Make sure to stay away from the sun. And if you really can’t stay out of the sun’s way, make sure to protect your skin with an adequate amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen. Wear protective clothing and hats as well to add an extra layer of protection.

  1. Healthy lifestyle changes

Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can all make a difference in how your skin looks and feels. Getting enough sleep in a day and managing stress can also do your skin wonders.

  1. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption

As we’ve established above, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage skin cells and lead to premature aging.

For your skin’s health, quit smoking. And you don’t need to fully quit drinking alcohol, just make sure you drink in moderation.

  1. Medical procedures

Botox injections, filler injections, facial treatments, laser resurfacing treatments, microdermabrasion, and microneedling are just some of the professional procedures that can target fine lines and wrinkles.

Consult with your dermatologist to help you decide what procedure will work best for you.

At What Age Should I Start Working on My Wrinkles?

Fine lines and wrinkles don’t choose a specific age at which they start to develop. Some people show signs at a later age while some could prematurely start showing signs of aging.

When it comes to wrinkles, it would be best to start working on them as early as possible. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Some individuals start targeting signs of aging as early as their 20s so they could enjoy youthful skin for much longer.

How to Prevent Forehead Wrinkles

You don’t need to be at a certain age to start targeting fine lines and wrinkles.

If you want to get ahead of your forehead wrinkles before they start to show, you can always do so with your skincare routine. You can also practice healthy lifestyle changes to ensure skin health.

And if you want to take it up a notch, consult with your dermatologist on ways and even procedures to help you prevent the early onset of these aging signs.


Fine lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. Everyone would have them one day. A common sign of aging is forehead wrinkles but still, many wonder what exactly causes them.

Forehead wrinkles are caused by a variety of factors: loss of collagen and elastin, thinning and dry skin, stress, and genetics. Other factors like too much exposure to the sun and free radicals, facial movements, and smoking and alcohol consumption also play a role.

And that has been our guide on forehead wrinkles. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us below!